Sunday, July 22, 2018
Friday, July 13, 2018
Voice Search: It’s Here To Stay. How Do You Capitalize?
Voice search whether through Siri, Alexa, Google Voice Search, Google Home and even Spotify is here to stay.
What is voice search? When people use a microphone based device to speak out their search rather than typing it into a search bar.
Here are three key articles on the emerging voice search trend.
From Nightwatch, an SEO ranking tool provider:
Then there are the stats coming in from Google itself, with one out of five queries now being a voice search.
The key takeaway from all of this is that your customers are using voice search because it’s easy. They can use it on the commute to work, at home, when they’re out with friends … and even when they’ve just got out of the shower and realize they want to order some food.
(Read the entire Nightwatch article.)
From Forbes regarding Voice Driven Searches:
Voice search is the real deal
Still skeptical about voice search? Consider this: Google reports that 55 percent of teens and 40 percent of adults use voice search daily; and, according to Google’s Behshad Behzadi, the ratio of voice search is growing faster than type search. Voice search calls for a whole new keyword research routine: Voice searchers use normal, conversational sentences instead of the odd-sounding query lingo. (Read the entire article here.)
And this additional Forbes article:
Smart Speakers
The voice search revolution has been catalyzed by the rise of smart speakers. Though similar technologies have been around for years, in 2017, sales of smart speakers more than tripled thanks to the rise of both Google Home and Amazon Echo. Smart speakers are almost exclusively reliant on voice commands to operate, conditioning people to resolve their questions and accomplish tasks using voice-based queries. (Read the entire article here.)
What does this mean in terms of voice search SEO?
You need content on your site, particularly articles and blog posts, that have a question as the title. People will ask questions in voice search much more often than if they type.
For example, let's say you were looking up a pool supply company.
If you typed the search, you'd probably type pool supply fort worth (or whatever city in which you lived.)
But if you voice searched it you might ask, "Where is a pool supply company in Fort Worth?"
You need a page or article on your website that reflects the phrasing of that question and answers it. The title of the page or article should be the actual question the voice searcher will likely ask.
Many of your articles will begin to be based on questions and answers. The good news is these are fairly easy to create.
As a second step, you can add schema code to the header of the page that tells the search engine this is a question and answer post or page.
We can help you with Voice Search SEO in three ways:
- Showing you what words and questions people are using in voice search.
- Helping you write a page or article that specifically addresses that question.
- Inserting the right schema code into the header of the page or article.
In this way, you can start to send some of that valuable voice search traffic to your website, convert them and land them as a customer, patient, or client.
Call us at 817-889-1487 for help with voice search SEO and Search Engine Optimization in general.
The following article Voice Search: It’s Here To Stay. How Do You Capitalize? is republished from: Moon and Owl
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Load Times: Before You Let Your Nephew Build You a Cheap Website
Your Website Load Time
We continue with the fifth installment of our series on questions to ask before you let your nephew build you a cheap website.
Ask your potential website designer this...
How fast will my site’s load time be? What do you do specifically to ensure my site loads fast?
Why it Matters
Your visitors want to see their content fast! Many of your visitors will bail if your website’s load times are long.
In fact…
“A 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.” (source:
That’s serious money. If something else was wasting 7% of your business' money needlessly, you’d repair it quickly!
Also, more and more search engines are measuring how fast your small business webpage loads in order to determine how high you rank in the search results. A slow site causes a lower ranking on Google, Bing and other engines. This means fewer people find you on the internet.
This results in less money in your pocket.
Your Nephew's Site Load Time
Your nephew (and some established designers) can build you a "pretty site."
What they probably won't do is go to through the painstaking task of testing and optimizing each element of your website. Thus, your site won’t be loading at its full potential and you’ll be losing out on customers. That's lost revenue.
Is your current site slower than it could be?
FIND OUT! Fill in the information and we’ll send you a FREE report on your site’s speed bumps.
Your Lightning Fast Load Time Website with Moon & Owl
Your small business website will have screaming fast load times. Han Solo and Usain Bolt will be jealous of your site’s speed! Why?
Each element of your site will be isolated and checked for its required load time. Any element slowing it down will be individually optimized. Large images will be compressed and tweaked without affecting their beautiful appearance. Any code slowing down your website will be streamlined. Any caching settings—how your visitors store the webpage for repeat visits—will be set to decrease their load time. We are transparent about this process and will even share the results of your speed before and after we fix it.
You’ll know your small business website load time is fast--faster than your competitors. We spent the money to buy the analyzing software and take the extra website development time to perform this process on each of our client’s small business websites because we know, in the end, a happy client is our best client. When you succeed, so do we.
A cheap small business website with slow load time wastes your small businesses money no matter how cheaply your nephew develops it. Get great VALUE with a Moon & Owl small business website.
Call us @ 817-889-1487 to get started!
Our next Before You Let Your Nephew article will focus on customized landing pages to get increased conversions.
Load Times: Before You Let Your Nephew Build You a Cheap Website is available on: