Monday, August 26, 2019

FAQs About Press Releases and Newsroom Pages: Get Better Results

What is a press release page?

A press release page is a page on a website that features all the company's press releases in a single location. This is a powerful page for credibility, customer discovery, and improved search engine rankings.

What is a newsroom page on a website?

A newsroom page is another name for a press release page. It's a website page where all an organization's press releases can be viewed at a single location on the internet.

Where should I build my press release page?

Typically, the search engines will determine the primary point of origin of the release. This is usually a press release page. These press room pages or newsroom pages can be hosted on-site (using a feature like Quantum) or off-site (using Press Synergy, Press Advantage, Cision, etc). Our testing is showing the best results when we alternate the primary source of the release between the main company site and a third-party press room site. Why? Because this leverages the domain strength of the third-party site while simultaneously building the on-page entity strength of the main company site. Through a unique interlinking strategy, the on-site and off-site newsrooms strengthen one another.

What does a press release page look like?

Below are examples of both types of press release media pages.

Press Advantage News Room

Notice the off-site page contains schema, an embedded homepage, social media feeds, a map embed and more. Moon and Owl has an unlimited package with Press Advantage. Our access is a much more cost-effective way for you to have your releases syndicated out. If your company needs a solid press release strategy, don't hesitate to reach out. We can create a tailored strategy for you.


On-Site News Room

Here is what an on-page Press Release page looks like. We also have access to the resources to build your on-site Quantum presence.

What is press release worthy?

We typically set up two different levels of press releases.

The first we call a Premium Release. Premium Releases share key company news like financials, acquisitions,  new services or product launches, geographical expansion, and other highly newsworthy content. For a Premium Release, we typically recommend syndicating it into the highest authority sites like Yahoo Finance, Wall Street Journal, etc. We have access to these sites. These also get picked up by 200-300 additional websites.

The second level of press release we call a Media Blast. These releases cover things like new blog articles released, positive reviews, website updates, etc. We normally don't place these releases on the premium sites listed above because of the associated costs, but these releases still bring significant value. These blasts typically get syndicated out to between 200-300 sites.

These are not junk sites. Many press release syndication companies are famous for creating fake pick up pages that carry no authority or weight. We REFUSE to use these companies. Only legitimate news outlets receive your syndicated press release.

Will a press release disappear over time?

Yes. Many sites purge older press releases after 3, 6 or 9 months. That's why it's important to have a non-purging press room. Neither the third-party press room page nor your on-page site releases will purge. These two pages serve as powerful brand anchor points as a result of your press releases remaining there into perpetuity.

Do press releases work to improve my SEO?

A lot of SEO gurus claim press releases don't work. We don't believe gurus. We don't always believe what Google says. Remember, Google is about one thing–making a profit. Often they will give advice colored by the desire to increase your Google ads spend. Instead of taking anyone's word for it, we relentlessly test and then test again until we are assured the strategy is completely safe and highly effective. We are a data-driven and case-study led agency. Through our testing, we have developed a best-practices process that maximizes the results of each press release. We've seen them deliver both organic and map pack results when utilized properly.

Do I have to write my own releases?

No. If you want to, of course, you can send us a draft. But if you are busy, we can write the release for you. If the release is quite technical (financials, etc.) we will ask for the resources we need. Oftentimes, a release can be written from the information you already have at hand. We always send the release for your final approval before syndicating it out.

Is there a certain way a press release needs to be written?

Yes. A well-written press release leads with a straightforward headline and description of the news being announced. A press release is not the place for a creative introduction that hides the real news at hand. The point needs to be stated quickly and succinctly. Then, further elaboration can take place. The way the topic is covered can also increase or decrease your pickups.

A press release typically features a quote from a related party.

Note, many sites refuse to pick up PR's about discounts or sales the company or business is offering. You can create a press release, but its syndication will be more limited.

Finally, the press release needs to be formatted correctly, or it will be rejected by news outlets.

Need Help?

Moon and Owl can assist you with all your press release needs. Simply give us a call at 817-889-1487 or complete the e-form to schedule a free consultation. 



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