Congrats Keene ISD!
We enjoy our great relationship with the folks at Keene ISD. The Texas school district near Fort Worth selected Moon & Owl Marketing to help them grow and fill their available number of transfer students spaces. Each student allows the district more tax dollars to expand programs and offerings across the district. Because Keene is the second smallest land mass area district in Texas, we reached out to nearby students of larger districts who may not get the opportunity to participate in larger school activities such as sports and academic events.
Moon and Owl coined the phrase, “Big School Opportunities. Small School Experience” as the official slogan of the campaign.
The 100x ROI Results!
With a very modest public relations/marketing expenditure, Keene ISD saw a 100x return on their investment, topping 1000 students district wide K-12 as they gained over 101 students and $700,000+ in additional revenue.
We used outdoor billboards, print, direct mail, and digital marketing to make nearby students and parents aware of the opportunity to transfer into Keene ISD. Welcome nights and walking tours were held to orient the parents towards the benefits of Keene ISD including:
- Small student to teacher ratios allows for extra attention to be provided to each student.
- The district’s Junior High and High School are not the colossal 5-A or 4-A districts surrounding them where it can be tough to gain a sports team position without having played club or select leagues from an early age.
- The district also is very highly rated by US News and World Report and is unique in its awards and recognition in Johnson County.
Here is a Cleburne Times Review article on the new-found growth and continued success of the Keene ISD district.
The district is working on a new masterplan made possible by the dramatic growth.
Way to be Keene ISD! Keep up the great work and GO CHARGERS!
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