Saturday, September 7, 2019

The SEO Wheel: 10 Elements That Must Be Included for Improved Rankings

Table of Contents of Transcription (click to jump to section)

The First SEO Myth
The Second SEO Myth
What is The SEO Wheel?
01. Site Health
02. Keyword Research and Implementation
03. Page Tuning
04. Content Creation
05. Content Syndication
06. Site Bleeding
07. A/B Testing
08. On-Page Entity Strengthening
09. Off-Page Entity Strengthening
10. Measure and Track Results
Diversity Strengthens Against Algorithm Changes
We're Here to Help

Today, I want to do a quick walkthrough of the SEO wheel and why it's important for your business, medical practice, firm or agency to have it in place.

The First SEO Myth

So, when we talk about SEO or search engine optimization, a lot of people instantly go to the fact that they think the goal is to rank better. So, get our keywords higher. But that's just the means to the end. The true end of SEO, what everybody should have as their bull's eye is this, the end game is not ranking. It's new customers, patients or clients from qualified traffic. So, if you're in a service industry or a medical practice, or something like that, you want bookings. If you have products, you want more sales. That's the end game of SEO.

The Second SEO Myth

And then there's a second myth, and that's this. There's some type of magic secret key, that if we can just find it, it will unlock some kind of Pandora's box of traffic.

Back in 2005, there were some magic secret keys, but the search engines have gotten a lot smarter. And so, SEO is not one magical thing that we do. There's no silver bullet. Basically, it's the culmination of many on-page and off-page elements that work together in tandem to grow traffic.

The SEO Wheel

And it's what we at Moon and Owl call The SEO Wheel. (Note: this isn't a linkwheel strategy despite the similar name.) It's something we've developed. And we'll talk about its strength.

Let me show you The SEO Wheel. The SEO Wheel has 10 elements that work together to drive traffic, which leads to bookings and sales on your site.

And this is important because many agencies will only use a small piece of the SEO wheel. They'll use one or two tactics. And if the algorithm in Google shifts and those particular elements get de-emphasized, you'll find your traffic drops off radically. So, we wanna run all 10 elements consistently on your site, so that we have a very full and balanced approach to SEO.

01: Site Health

So, let's walk through them really quick today. So the first thing in the SEO wheel is site health. And that's basically our Google and other search engines seeing your site as healthy because they're gonna reward a healthy site. So what are we talking about there?

  • We're talking about things like do you have any 404s, which are error pages?
  • Are there duplicate titles, meta descriptions?
  • Are your headers set up right?
  • Is your speed right?

And we use multiple tools that crawl your site to make sure that it's healthy. And so, this is kind of the 101.

You want the foundation of your site to be solid and error-free. So we maximize your site health.

02: Keyword Research

The next thing that you want to do is make sure that your site is targeting the right keywords. And so, not only do we want a high volume keyword, but we want a keyword that has buyer intent, transactional intent, it's going to equal a win for your site.

And so, we want to get a full 360ยบ view of all that is happening in regards to keywords. So your current keywords that are getting you brand clicks and also transactional clicks.

And then we want to look at entity related keywords. Those are words that Google associates with an entity, for example, a LASIK practice. It's going to have several words that it formally associates as parallel entities with your main keyword. And we want to make sure to incorporate those in the mix.

We actually have some proprietary means that we're not aware of that other agencies are using in order to find out what Google sees as related entity terms. We wanna see what keywords your competitors are paying for. We wanna see what the search volume is on those keywords and the number of results we're competing against, and even what the Google suggest tool shows as related terms or questions people ask.

And then we populate that all into a structured or ranked keyword list in terms of importance and that's where we begin the SEO efforts.

03. Page Tuning

The next thing we wanna do is page tuning. And that's where we tune our page structures to what is indicated as being important on the pages that already ranked very high on that term. So, we'll go in and grab a keyword. We have two proprietary softwares we use to do this tuning.

Of course, Google won't tell us the algorithm that they're using, but we can put in the keyword and compare the page on your site to the top-ranking page sites, and see where the other sites are strong and have things in correlation that we don't. And then we can go in and make those improvements. And we call that page tuning.

It's typically, they're decreasing or increasing the number of headers, exact match keywords, related keywords, word counts, image alt tags, partial keywords, but we don't wanna be artificial, but we do want to incorporate in our page what the top-ranking pages have in place. And we have the software to do that comparison.

04. Content Creation

Next, we start to create content around those keywords. And that benefits the site visitors. We don't wanna be artificial in our writing. But we make it easier for writers. Whether it's your writers or we write for you, we can create content templates for articles and pages that inform the writers of, "Hey, use these keywords this time. Answer these questions. Here are some synonyms to use. Here's how long it needs to be. Here are some high-ranking sources from which you can do research and draw."v

And then we wanna optimize existing content and future content along these guidelines, and we'll even work with training if you have writers on the foundational elements of solid SEO writing. So that's something else that we want have in place.

05. Syndicate Content Over a Network

Next in the wheel is once we get that content put together, we wanna syndicate it out. What does that mean? It means we're going to create more discoverable content with healthy backlinks to your site.

So, what we do is we create about 20 Web 2.0 platforms around your site that can rebroadcast your content. Those include social media, other parallel sites, also as well, including, like, bookmarking sites that have high authority.

So any article that comes on your site gets syndicated to this network with a backlink showing, "Hey, this article originally showed up on your main site." And this serves to create healthy web links.

It grows what we call the E.A.T. score, which stands for expertise, authority, and trust, which is a ranking signal to Google. And it even allows others to discover your content on these other various platforms. So we say, if you're gonna take the time to write content, why not leverage it out as best as possible. And one of the best ways to do that is through creating a syndication network.

06. Address Site Bleeding

Next, the next thing we wanna do is address "bleeding." Every site bleeds visitors, so it's really important to determine the pages where people are either bouncing or exiting from your site. And we wanna come in and shore those pages up because anybody that leaves your site, unless it's on your thank you for buying page or your thank you for booking page is a lost possible customer, patient, client. And so, we find the pages that are bleeding the most, and sometimes we come in and give you content recommendations.

We can implement next steps. Like, if you like this, go check this out, that keep them on the site. We can even do A/B testing of your page layout and try to get that exit rate or that bleed rate down on that page.

07. A/B Test for Conversion

Next, we wanna do A/B testing. So, A/B testing allows us to test different elements on a page to see if they can prove your conversion rates. That might be changing the color of a submit button, that might be moving your elements around on the page, that might mean either reducing or increasing the fields on a capture form. There are all kinds of ways for us to do that.

And then we can run A/B test and present users both versions and see which one wins, and let the data drive the decision.

08. On-page Entity Strengthening

Next, on-page entity strengthening. So, entity validation is a new SEO. And what entity is, is Google looking to say, "Is this a true and real entity, a person, a place, a thing, etc.?"

In the old days, Google wasn't able to look at entity for strength.

So, basically back in the day, they just looked for the raw number of backlinks coming into a site, whoever had the most backlinks was considered the best entity. And so, that led to things, in the early days of SEO, like, link farms, you know, just getting as many backlinks direct to the main site as you can.

Google's gotten smarter. So now, it's asking the question, "Is this place a real entity and can we trust it?" And so, there are some ways we can really strengthen your entity and raise your E.A.T. score. So we want to really make sure that we're emphasizing the best schema practices, and schema is some code that sits in the header of your site. And it basically tells Google more about you. It tells them, "Hey, we're here, but we're also this entity on Facebook, on LinkedIn. We also are located here." And so, we can build all that code, the end-user doesn't see it, the bot sees it, and it tells people about your website. So we wanna make sure you have full, full, robust schema on your site.

And then we have some other means we do, where we build an internal entity page and we put all your entities basically together in one place. And as the bot crawls that page, it's able to see all your properties in a single location. It kind of assimilates those together and that gives your site real power.

09. Off-page Entity Strengthening

Next, we wanna do off-page entity strengthening. So we've talked about the on-page side, we wanna make sure we're doing the same things off the site in order to strengthen your brand. And this is where a host of SEO agencies get lost.

So, things we wanna do or get third party mentions, even if they're not backlinks, we wanna get you cited on reputable sites because the algorithm is smart enough now to make that assimilation to say, Dr. So-and-so's name appeared on this site, it's a reputable site. We know who Dr. So-and-so is, he's an entity now and so, we're gonna give them raised authority because they're being quoted on this reputable site.

We create an entity network of all kinds of strengthening platforms that helps Google to say, "This is a reputable, authoritative, trustworthy entity." That can include knowledge panels, how we use Google My Business, how we use YouTube. Those are powerful because those are Google-owned properties.

In fact, we have a thing we do called building drive stacks, where we leverage Google's narcissism in our favor, so in the favor of your site. And so we put together all these Google properties, and Google loves Google, and it then raises your entity E.A.T. score, activity, relevance, trust in Google's eyes, which leads to more traffic. We want to build a large, but note, healthy backlink profile, so that your site gets a lot of authoritative votes, which leads to more traffic.

10. Track the Results Carefully

Finally, all efforts combined to grow the site's E.A.T. score. So, we want a very clear measure of results.

That's how we know whether SEO is working.

And so, we have a comprehensive dashboard and reports that we give you. We're super transparent with our tactics and the results we're getting. A lot of SEO agencies will be like, "It's secret. We can't tell you what we're doing."

You're going to know exactly what we're doing on your site and why each month, each week because we know you don't want to reverse engineer that. You want to do what you do, not SEO.

And so, we're very transparent with you about what we're doing. We take KPI measurements, and typically, that's the increase or decrease in organic traffic, the increase or decrease in your conversion goals, whatever those are. And if you do e-commerce on your site, the increase or decrease in revenue that comes from organic traffic. At the end of the day, that's what matters to you.

We also look at six different measures of E.A.T. scoring to see how authoritative your site is. We wanna know, is that authority going up or down? Is that expertise going up or down?

Again, we look at traffic growth. So, we're going to look at converting traffic. We look at the means of traffic acquisition.

  • So, how did the traffic come in?
  • Which keyword drew the most traffic?
  • You know, what other elements worked in your favor?
  • Are the conversion goals being accomplished?
  • How are the individual keywords ranking and what is the result of traffic from each of those keywords?
  • The A/B testing deltas, when we look at this page version versus that page version, which one won?
  • What did we learn from it?
  • How can we apply it to other pages on your site?

We look at the tactical elements that are implemented and we disclose those to you. We look at the strategy and tactical recommendations that we have coming up for the next month.

So, you'll always be fully abreast of what's happening on your site and what the results of your SEO campaign are. So that's The SEO Wheel.

Diversity Strengthens Against Algorithm Changes

I know I went through it quickly. Today, was just more of a cursory view of the SEO wheel. If you have a website and you are not doing these elements on your site, give us a call. If your SEO agency is not covering all these elements on your site, give us a call. Why?

Because if you don't have those elements on your site, then you're vulnerable to any kind of algorithm shift that happens in Google and/or, you might not be getting the best results you can get.

We're Here to Help

So, if you want help with SEO, if you want an audit, if you want a consultation, give us a call at 817-889-1487 or visit us at Moon and Owl, and you can schedule a free consultation there as well.

Thanks for your time. I hope this was beneficial for you.

The blog post The SEO Wheel: 10 Elements That Must Be Included for Improved Rankings was originally seen on: Moon and Owl Marketing Blog

Thursday, September 5, 2019

New Amazon E-book: How to Silo a Website for SEO Success

We've just released our step-by-step mini-guide to help your website rank better and draw in more organic traffic. Structuring your website's pages and navigation using a silo structure will improve your search engine presence.

You can grab your copy here.

Of course, if you need help or do not want to DIY this, we are happy to do it for you. We recently applied this structure to an international site that already had solid traffic. They saw a 287% in weekly organic traffic.

New Amazon E-book: How to Silo a Website for SEO Success is republished from: Moon and Owl Marketing Blog

Monday, August 26, 2019

FAQs About Press Releases and Newsroom Pages: Get Better Results

What is a press release page?

A press release page is a page on a website that features all the company's press releases in a single location. This is a powerful page for credibility, customer discovery, and improved search engine rankings.

What is a newsroom page on a website?

A newsroom page is another name for a press release page. It's a website page where all an organization's press releases can be viewed at a single location on the internet.

Where should I build my press release page?

Typically, the search engines will determine the primary point of origin of the release. This is usually a press release page. These press room pages or newsroom pages can be hosted on-site (using a feature like Quantum) or off-site (using Press Synergy, Press Advantage, Cision, etc). Our testing is showing the best results when we alternate the primary source of the release between the main company site and a third-party press room site. Why? Because this leverages the domain strength of the third-party site while simultaneously building the on-page entity strength of the main company site. Through a unique interlinking strategy, the on-site and off-site newsrooms strengthen one another.

What does a press release page look like?

Below are examples of both types of press release media pages.

Press Advantage News Room

Notice the off-site page contains schema, an embedded homepage, social media feeds, a map embed and more. Moon and Owl has an unlimited package with Press Advantage. Our access is a much more cost-effective way for you to have your releases syndicated out. If your company needs a solid press release strategy, don't hesitate to reach out. We can create a tailored strategy for you.


On-Site News Room

Here is what an on-page Press Release page looks like. We also have access to the resources to build your on-site Quantum presence.

What is press release worthy?

We typically set up two different levels of press releases.

The first we call a Premium Release. Premium Releases share key company news like financials, acquisitions,  new services or product launches, geographical expansion, and other highly newsworthy content. For a Premium Release, we typically recommend syndicating it into the highest authority sites like Yahoo Finance, Wall Street Journal, etc. We have access to these sites. These also get picked up by 200-300 additional websites.

The second level of press release we call a Media Blast. These releases cover things like new blog articles released, positive reviews, website updates, etc. We normally don't place these releases on the premium sites listed above because of the associated costs, but these releases still bring significant value. These blasts typically get syndicated out to between 200-300 sites.

These are not junk sites. Many press release syndication companies are famous for creating fake pick up pages that carry no authority or weight. We REFUSE to use these companies. Only legitimate news outlets receive your syndicated press release.

Will a press release disappear over time?

Yes. Many sites purge older press releases after 3, 6 or 9 months. That's why it's important to have a non-purging press room. Neither the third-party press room page nor your on-page site releases will purge. These two pages serve as powerful brand anchor points as a result of your press releases remaining there into perpetuity.

Do press releases work to improve my SEO?

A lot of SEO gurus claim press releases don't work. We don't believe gurus. We don't always believe what Google says. Remember, Google is about one thing–making a profit. Often they will give advice colored by the desire to increase your Google ads spend. Instead of taking anyone's word for it, we relentlessly test and then test again until we are assured the strategy is completely safe and highly effective. We are a data-driven and case-study led agency. Through our testing, we have developed a best-practices process that maximizes the results of each press release. We've seen them deliver both organic and map pack results when utilized properly.

Do I have to write my own releases?

No. If you want to, of course, you can send us a draft. But if you are busy, we can write the release for you. If the release is quite technical (financials, etc.) we will ask for the resources we need. Oftentimes, a release can be written from the information you already have at hand. We always send the release for your final approval before syndicating it out.

Is there a certain way a press release needs to be written?

Yes. A well-written press release leads with a straightforward headline and description of the news being announced. A press release is not the place for a creative introduction that hides the real news at hand. The point needs to be stated quickly and succinctly. Then, further elaboration can take place. The way the topic is covered can also increase or decrease your pickups.

A press release typically features a quote from a related party.

Note, many sites refuse to pick up PR's about discounts or sales the company or business is offering. You can create a press release, but its syndication will be more limited.

Finally, the press release needs to be formatted correctly, or it will be rejected by news outlets.

Need Help?

Moon and Owl can assist you with all your press release needs. Simply give us a call at 817-889-1487 or complete the e-form to schedule a free consultation. 



The following post FAQs About Press Releases and Newsroom Pages: Get Better Results was first seen on:

Thursday, July 4, 2019

SEO Weekly News July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day! Bringing you the latest SEO news. Whether you are a business owner seeking to grow your business through your website or a search engine optimization agency, you'll probably find this information useful.

search engine news Google logo

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5 Big Benefits of SEO for Small Businesses

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Everything You Need to Know About Internal Link Building

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Best Reputation Management Agency Awards Announced for June 2019 by 10 Best SEO

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Why Having a User-First Approach to SEO Is Important

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Study Reveals the Top 5 SEO Mistakes Made by Marketing Agencies - Search Engine Journal

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Clients Who Pay More for SEO Services Report Higher Satisfaction Rates - Search Engine Journal

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Janet Peischel's The Internet Marketer: Five search engine optimization tips for non-techies

Search engine optimization (SEO) doesn't have to be confusing. In basic terms, search engines' decisions about website ranking are based on information read by Googlebots or spiders. SEO incorporates ...

How one in-house team is taking on industry incumbents - Search Engine Land

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PCMag Startup Toolkit: July 2019

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Why it's worth targeting keywords with no-to-low monthly search volume - Search Engine Land

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Google: Site Migrations Can Take About A Day If Done Correctly

John Mueller of Google was asked about doing site migrations and if it can impact your SEO. The short answer is that it can impact your SEO but if you do everything correctly it can be a matter ...


SEO Weekly News July 4, 2019 was originally published on: Moon and Owl

Friday, May 31, 2019

Natural Language Processing and SEO: Why The Words On Your Page Matter For Ranking and How To Improve

This article will help a non-technical person understand natural language processing and its importance for helping your page rank better in the search engines (SEO)

Already know about Bots and SERPs? Skip to Natural Language Processing.

What Search Engines Do On A Web Page?

In simple terms, a bot (a piece of scanning software) crawls a web page capturing the content (words) and other information about the page.

bot and natural language processing

Then, an algorithm (mathematical weighting formula) is applied to the captured content from the page, and a rank is assigned to that page for any given keyword in comparison with other pages.

When someone searches, Google or whatever search engine spits out these ranked results.


Search Engine results NLP

(Of course, other elements are present in the algorithm like the number of high authority pages that link to a page, but for today we are dealing with on-page issues).

Enter Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing (NLP) uses artificial intelligence to help computers understand, interpret, and manipulate the intricacies of human language.

NLP has the capabilities to analyze the syntax of a page to understand things like sentence content and the context of your phrasing.

NLP can analyze:

  • the syntax of a page
  • sentence structure
  • word usage in context
  • and more

NLP is able to determine whether or not a piece of content is well written — from a topical and grammatical standpoint.

Search engines rely on NLP to help them understand what any given page is about. They can then match the page to a searcher’s intent. The better the match, the higher the page will rank for that term (theoretically).

The search engine has to decipher the meaning and intent of the words on a page.

NLP is vital for search engines because individual words can have multiple meanings, many of them unrelated.

An Easy To Understand Example

Take the word diamond.

Let’s use it in a sample sentence…

The diamond was clear.

The word diamond can have multiple meanings:

  1. a geometric shape
  2. a gemstone
  3. a field on which baseball is played



The sentence above might have a search engine leaning towards gemstone. But that might be incorrect. There isn't a lot of contextual information.

But what if additional entity words were located in the sentence or on our sample page to provide the search engine algorithm more clues?

The rain delay ensured the diamond was clear of players.

 Other known entities are introduced:

  1. rain delay
  2. players

By cataloging common words and, more importantly, common phrases and defined entities that tend to occur with each type of diamond, the bot can see if those occur on a given page.  This helps the search engine's algorithm determine which kind of diamond is intended. Now it would lean away from the gemstone meaning.

Let's include even more defined entities into the sentence...

Hank Aaron’s grand slam ended the game, and the diamond was clear of its previous base runners.

We now have:

  1. Hank Aaron
  2. grand slam
  3. game
  4. base runners

 Now, NLP allows the search engine to clearly disambiguate what type of diamond is being referenced – a field on which baseball is played.

There is no ambiguity. Even though it's using machine learning, the search engine knows this is definitely a BASEBALL DIAMOND.

 While this sounds simple, Natural Language Processing is quite a difficult feat. It requires artificial intelligence, machine learning, and massive amounts of data storage and computing horsepower.

The earliest phases of NLP used only single words in its comparisons. But now with powerful methodologies like BERT and ELMo (hello, Sesame Street), the ability to gather common phrases is becoming massively more important. Phrases provide more context than isolated words.

How Do We Use NLP to our Advantage in SEO?

In SEO, we are dealing with a bot and an algorithm. Human quality assessors do grade pages and give them quality scores, but it's rare and they inform the algorithm rather than hand ranking pages. Most of what is decided about ranking occurs in the world of bots & algorithms.

The words on a website's page provide key signals to the bot and algorithm to help them understand our page's intended topic. The more we help the search engine reduce the confusion, the better potential our page has to rank.

How do we do this? One way is to...

Match the Best Ranking Pages with Page Tuning

Use Common Phrases

One of the things that works very well when optimizing a page is to examine the common phrases that the top ranking pages use.

These will typically be phrases that are entity related.

The phrase and then holds little disambiguating potential in most cases But a phrase like pitcher’s mound is a known entity.

Once we ascertain these top common entity related phrases, we can reverse engineer Google’s algorithm to see which phrases it considers essential to be included on a web page to help to clarify the topic of the page and the meaning of surrounding words.

For example, if we want to notate that our diamond means baseball diamond, these are common phrases the top 10 pages use.


NLP and SEO common phrases tuning


We ascertain these common phrases through powerful page tuning software that does a comparative analysis.

It would be wise to ensure these common phrases are woven into our article.

Common phrases are a newer method of NLP. Previously, scanning and storing common phrases and all the mathematical combinations required tons of processing horsepower and storage.

We used to use a program that looked at only common words between the top ranking pages. With the newer page tuning software available, we can now look at common phrases. This is a better approach.

Use Common Words

While common phrases are now given more importance, common words can also help with NLP and SEO rankings. Here are the common words used in articles about:


natural language processing SEO common words usage



Using NLP on Key Elements of the Page for Better Rankings

We can also use software to see if the main keyword, a variant of that keyword, or partial keywords are used in elements of the high ranking pages. Then, we can reverse engineer our page.

Example: Is ball field used in a sub-header and if so what level of sub-header and how many times?

Example: is diamond used with another word in an image alt tag on the top ranking pages?

Example: is the keyword used in the page title and, if so, is it also used in the URL and the meta description or are variants used?

If we find these to be the case in the top ranking pages, then logic would suggest we should also include these phrases in similar elements on our page.

Word Count and SEO: How it Affects NLP

We know that long-form content is currently ranking better than shorter content in a majority of cases, but why?

Two reasons, one technical and one user-focused. Let's start with the technical.

Technical Reasons

The more words that are on a page, the more disambiguating common phrases and entity–related terms can be included on a page. A page with 1,500 has a lot more opportunity to use the words above in a natural way than a page with 100 words.

These words do need to be incorporated into the page in the manner a typical human would use them in writing.

Copy and pasting the list of common phrases at the bottom of your post isn't going to work because the search engine's algorithm is smart enough to know that's not natural usage, and it is going to flag it quickly. There is a reason it is called Natural Language Processing.

(Interesting SEO history: Long before NLP, when all the algorithm could do was raw word matches, web developers used to stuff a page with keyword variants. Some even put tons of the keyword in white font on white backgrounds so the bot would see it but not the human page viewer. That definitely doesn’t work anymore because of NLP.)

When there are a lot of expected matches of phrases and entities, the algorithm's NLP capabilities say, “Oh, look at all these nice matches. We can clearly tell what this page is about.”

This tends to push the page up in rankings.

End-User Reasons

The second reason is the user benefits from more comprehensive articles than thin content. Google knows this and tends to reward longer form content.

A search engine would rather send the user to a single page that answers all of his or her questions than have the searcher have to flitter around to 5 different pages seeking the answer.

If the experience of getting an answer is made difficult on a particular search engine, the searcher may ultimately abandon that engine for a different one which they perceive offers better results.

Objectifying Word Count

The good news is you don’t have to guess how many words your page should contain.

We use tuning software to see the word count on each of the top ranking pages and compare your page’s length to the top ranking pages.

The best practice is to match the word count on the pages in the top 10 (or those that rank above us if you are in the Top 10 already.)

Of course, there might be off-page elements (strong backlinks, etc.) affecting rankings allowing a 200-word page to rank or a 19,000-word article to perform poorly. We are speaking in on-page general terms. With the tuning software, we can quickly see these type pages as outliers and ignore them in our tuning recommendations.

“But I Don’t Want Long Pages, Those Seem Ugly to Me”

 We hear this all the time.

Enter the accordion–a beautiful design feature.

using accordions for SEO and NLP


This longer form of content can be placed in an accordion that gets clicked open by the user.

accordion natural language processing word count


But even if it isn’t clicked open, the bot still crawls all of it in the source code of the page. (Don’t believe us? Click here to see that they do.)

Note, this is NOT junk content. We never advocate filler or junk content.

It’s just content that is not AS IMPORTANT as the copy that sits on the main section of the page. That should be conversion first copy. The accordion copy is for those folks who want to research more or like more details.

This is definitely not the white text on white background approach. We aren’t trying to game the system, but simply put the most important content in the most visible place on the page.

By using dynamic accordions in the CSS code, your pages appear more concise upon a visitor's first visit.

Designing with accordions delivers the best of both worlds, cleanly designed pages with longer forms of content available.

Page Tuning using Natural Language Processing Works To Improve Your Rankings

Moon and Owl regularly and systematically tune clients' pages on their site. We have consistently seen a rise in ranking performance on the tuned pages.

We sometimes perform wholesale tuning on a page if we feel it is heavily under-optimized or overly-optimized and it isn’t ranking in the top 20.

For pages in the top 20, we go at a more conservative rate, tuning one element at a time (body content, sub-headers, alt-tags) and watch how each tuned element affects the page's ranking.

We keep careful notes, to inform future page tunings on that site.

This scientific approach, combined with the volume of page tuning we do, allows Moon and Owl to develop a prioritized list of tunings to apply. We are constantly retesting to make sure the order of the tunings is correct.

In the future, we'll be presenting how we use Natural Language Processing and Entity in structured data Schema markup, anchor texts, and other key elements to get your site more easily found, liked and trusted by potential customers.

If you would like help with page tuning using natural language, on-page SEO, or search engine optimization in general, we would love to help you. Give us a call for an SEO audit or ongoing help.

The article Natural Language Processing and SEO: Why The Words On Your Page Matter For Ranking and How To Improve is republished from: Moon and Owl

Friday, May 17, 2019

SEO Weekly News May 17, 2019

Fort Worth SEO news to keep you updated on all the latest developments to help get you found, liked, and trusted online to grow traffic and customers, patients and clients. We love helping Fort Worth businesses large (Fortune 20) small (start-ups) as the premier SEO agency in North Texas. Here is what is happening in the world of Search Engine Optimization this week!

The Promises and Pitfalls of Black Hat SEO Practices

FOX Business|42 minutes ago
The science of ensuring your web properties rank well here is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and it's become something of a mystic art in web developer circles. Exactly how SEO works ...

User-Centric Optimization: 3 Ways to Improve Your Website Experience

Search Engine Journal|44 minutes ago
SEO is multifaceted and each optimization factor is dependent on the others. This is the mindset we need to have when we approach any performance optimization work because the most meaningful ...

How startups can use Amazon's SEO best practices to dominate new shopping verticals - TechCrunch

TechCrunch|21 hours ago
Eli Schwartz is currently a growth advisor and the former Director of Growth at SurveyMonkey where he led the SEO strategy. Eli has been a columnist on the Huffington Post, the Y Combinator ...

Competitor Keyword Analysis: 5 Ways to Fill the Gaps in Your Organic Strategy & Get More Traffic

Search Engine Journal|2 hours ago
If you manage the organic search presence of a website, at one point or another, your client or boss is going to ask you for competitive SEO insights. Diagnosing performance issues: They want ...

10 Essential On-Page SEO Factors You Need to Know

Search Engine Journal|3 days ago
Editor's Note: This post is from Search Engine Journal's new ebook The Complete Guide to On-Page SEO. This in-depth guide will teach you the essentials of on-page SEO. Succeeding in organic ...

How to Spy on Competitors with Python & Data Studio (Advanced SEO)

Search Engine Journal|5 days ago
Whether you're new to SEO or a seasoned pro, investigating random drops in keyword rankings is just part of the trade. There are many methods to investigating why your targeted keywords may ...

Business Plan for a Profitable SEO Agency

iLounge|3 days ago
SEO or search engine optimization is a technique for promoting your business online and it is a very effective one. Digital marketing's one of the most prominent parts is SEO or search engine ...

User-generated content for SEO: The cost-benefit analysis you need

Search Engine Land|4 days ago

A simple way to do that could be to let people comment," Google's John Mueller told an SEO looking to optimize image-heavy pages during a Reddit AMA last year. Providing more context for search ...

The Best Free SEO Tools to Increase Your Rankings

Stamford Advocate|7 days ago
You don't have to pay to boost your website's Google rankings with these free SEO tools. Whether you want to see who's backlinking to your site or dive deep into keyword research, these are ...

Council Post: Stop Trying To Be Good At Many Things, And Focus On Mastering One

Forbes|1 day ago
President and Partner of MYLE Agency, one of Oklahoma's largest marketing firms that provides design, SEO, web, photo/video, and more. Getty Anyone who has ever achieved greatness at anything ...

Local SEO for enterprises: Optimizing for the Local 3-Pack

Search Engine Watch|4 days ago
Now that most of us are walking around with tiny computers in our pockets, much preliminary research is taken care of in a matter of seconds via mobile search. Securing one of those top three ...

What You Should NOT Do When Writing a Title Tag

Search Engine Journal|3 days ago
Editor's note: "Ask an SEO" is a weekly column by technical SEO expert Jenny Halasz. Come up with your hardest SEO question and fill out our form. It was never seen on the SERP. As we took a ...

The Top 15 Free SEO Tools You Should Be Using

Search Engine Journal|4 days ago
Search engine optimization (SEO) is more important today than ever before. If you're looking to get started with SEO or want to achieve better results with minimal financial investment, here ...
Search Engine Journal|3 days ago
A report on direct-to-consumer (D2C) marketing in 2019 finds that SEO is a top acquisition channel for most brands. Paid search came in fourth place (26%), and physical stores were a distant ...

Google Shares Top 3 SEO Factors - Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Journal|1 day ago
Google's Martin Splitt shared the top 3 SEO factors. Then he answered an unexpected question about Google.

Google: Top Three Things A Developer Can Do For Search Rankings Doesn't Include Links

Search Engine Roundtable|1 day ago
Google's Martin Splitt posted the first SEO Mythbusting series and in there, a developer asked him what can to help his sites and apps do better in search. Martin answered in the form of being ...

Drive Traffic To Your Website With These 3 SEO Tips

Forbes|2 days ago
Your web presence can have an impact on your small business but it's up to you whether that impact is positive or negative. It's almost unheard of with how easy it is to start a site with services ...

Google's First SEO Mythbusting Video Didn't Have Mythbusting

Search Engine Roundtable|1 day ago
Watching the comments about Google's first mythbusting video reminds me of the comments around the final season of Game of Thrones. To be fair, the Googlers who put this together are not film ...

SEO Test Proves New GoogleBot Is Live

Search Engine Roundtable|3 days ago
Valentin Pletzer didn't want to just take Google's word that the new evergreen GoogleBot is live, so he tested it. In short, Google's word was the truth and the new GoogleBot is indeed live.He basica

How To Recover From The Google Medic Update

WFMJ Youngstown|4 days ago
On August 1st, 2018 Google rolled out a new core update to their search ranking algorithm, dubbed by the SEO community as The "Google Medic Update". As always, the purpose of the update was ...

SEO Weekly News May 17, 2019 was originally published on:

Saturday, April 20, 2019

SEO Weekly News April 20, 2019

As an SEO agency in Fort Worth, we are constantly devouring the latest news in addition to being a member of several exclusive Mastermind groups. We even read the Google patents to keep you (and us) ahead of the curve. Here is this week's search engine optimization news.

SEO Agency Versus In-House Team: What's Better For You?

Forbes 3 days ago
To be successful online, companies need to take SEO seriously, and it must be a priority. As the founder of an SEO agency, I have dedicated the last 20 years to helping companies improve their ...

Is link building dead? Depends on who you talk to - Search Engine Land

Search Engine Land|20 hours ago
Sure, link building used to be plagued by a morass of black-hat tactics like link farms, paid link schemes, hidden links and spammy content. Some SEOs argue any form of proactive link building ...

Look Out for These 5 Signs of Black Hat SEO

Entrpreneur|2 days ago
Black hat SEO refers to unethical practices to help a website rank higher in Google. Often times, a website doesn't even know it's suffering from black hat search engine optimization -- and being penalized for it.

Using Python to recover SEO site traffic (Part three)

Search Engine Watch|23 hours ago
When you incorporate machine learning techniques to speed up SEO recovery, the results can be amazing. This is the third and last installment from our series on using Python to speed SEO traffic ...

7 Terrible, No-Good SEO Tactics to Abandon Forever

Despite the evolution of Google and the internet, bad and outdated SEO tactics still proliferate. On April 10, I moderated an SEJ ThinkTank webinar presented by Julia McCoy, CEO of Express Writers ...

Lounge Lizard, Top NYC Web Design Firm, shares Tips for Improving Internal Links for Better UX and SEO

Internal links are important for both SEO and the user experience of a website, however, internal links are not always optimized to maximize their use due to a lack of understanding about the ...

What These SEO Experts Want You to Know About Being Seen As the 'Top Choice' For Your Service

To do that, and simplify the decision-making process overall, consumers are turning to the one place so many of us deem the most credible, trustworthy source in the world: Google. Your job is ...

Navigation Removal Trick Impacting Google Rankings Algorithm?

An SEO, I believe his name is Alexander, asked John Mueller of Google in this morning's video hangout if Google is aware of a trick some sites are using to combat any negative impact from the ...

8 Ways You're Wasting Money on SEO Without Knowing It

Because SEO is a longer-term investment than other digital marketing channels, it can have hidden challenges, issues, and costs. The rime and resources invested in SEO were wasted due to specific ...

Yoast SEO Becomes First WordPress Plugin to Offer Proper Schema Implementation - Search Engine Journal

Popular WordPress plugin Yoast is releasing an update which offers complete implementation of markup. For example, if a page has five pieces of Schema markup its often unclear to ...

5 SEO Skills That Give You a Huge Advantage on the Internet

WFMJ Youngstown|4 days ago
Originally posted on everyone else in 2019, you have a website. Congratulations. You're now one in 1.7 billion.

Seznam SEO: An Interview with Seznam's Search Division Director

There is however another search engine competing with Google - one that, for the most part, a lot of SEO professionals never encounter as it's limited to the Czech market, Seznam. Seznam was ...

Why accessibility works for SEO

The Drum|2 days ago
Website accessibility is about much more than due diligence and 'doing the right thing' - it can seriously boost your bottom line. Viewed from a cold hard business perspective it simply doesn ...

Building and scaling global SEO Centers of Excellence

How can you ensure that your SEO is built to scale as you expand into new global markets? Instead, I've long been an advocate for the development of Centers of Excellence inside enterprise brands ...

The Most Epic SEO Guide for Competitive Small Business Owners

WFMJ Youngstown|4 days ago
When Scott Paxton entered a competition to see who could get their new website to the front of Google the fastest, he decided to look at what his competitors were doing. What he learned can ...

How to Set up Your Local Business Listing for Success

WFMJ Youngstown|2 days ago
A local business listing can be one of the best ways to gain authority in your area and get an influx of local clients, and the more listings you have the better for the SEO (search engine optimisation ...

Boost Your Website's Visibility With This SEO Course

Anyone who works in marketing knows: unless your website reaches the first page of the search results for your desired keywords, it's highly unlikely you'll get the traction you need to reach ...

Why You Must Stop Obsessing About These 5 Things in SEO

As SEO professionals, we tend to obsess over every detail. Really, though, not everything in SEO is worth our full time and attention. What follows is a list of trends that many in SEObelieve ...

Responsive Web Design: What is it?

TG Daily|4 days ago
Responsive web design is a term that SEO experts use regularly. Responsive web design is directly responsible for resizing websites so that they fit in the display for viewing. Large desktop ...

Fake Amazon reviews handing unknown brands an SEO bump, says Which?

The Drum|4 days ago
An investigation revealed tens of thousands of suspicious reviews appearing on the platform every day, handing unknown brands an unwarranted SEO bump in the process as consumers unwittingly ...

The following article SEO Weekly News April 20, 2019 is republished from: Moon and Owl Marketing Blog